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​​ Background

The EventSource interface is a server-sent event API that allows a server to push events to a client. The EventSource object is used to receive server-sent events. It connects to a server over HTTP and receives events in a text-based format.

​​ Constructor

let eventSource = new EventSource(url, options);
  • url USVString
  • The URL to which to connect.
  • options EventSourceInit
  • An optional dictionary containing any optional settings.

By default, the EventSource will use the global fetch() function under the covers to make requests. If you need to use a different fetch implementation as provided by a Cloudflare Workers binding, you can pass the fetcher option:

export default {
async fetch(req, env) {
let eventSource = new EventSource(url, { fetcher: env.MYFETCHER });
// ...

Note that the fetcher option is a Cloudflare Workers specific extension.

​​ Properties

  • eventSource.url USVString read-only
    • The URL of the event source.
  • eventSource.readyState USVString read-only
    • The state of the connection.
  • eventSource.withCredentials Boolean read-only
    • A Boolean indicating whether the EventSource object was instantiated with cross-origin (CORS) credentials set (true), or not (false).

​​ Methods

  • eventSource.close()
    • Closes the connection.
  • eventSource.onopen
    • An event handler called when a connection is opened.
  • eventSource.onmessage
    • An event handler called when a message is received.
  • eventSource.onerror
    • An event handler called when an error occurs.

​​ Events

  • message
    • Fired when a message is received.
  • open
    • Fired when the connection is opened.
  • error
    • Fired when an error occurs.

​​ Class Methods

  • EventSource.from(readableStream ReadableStream ) : EventSource
    • This is a Cloudflare Workers specific extension that creates a new EventSource object from an existing ReadableStream. Such an instance does not initiate a new connection but instead attaches to the provided stream.